I have been picking away at finishing the forward hatch though, and I decided to get all artsy and see if I could do an inlay. I've never really done inlays before so I cracked open the interwebs one night and found some good youtube videos by 'The Apprentice and The Journeyman'. Seemed easy enough so I gave it a shot. I didn't take any photos of the process because I never thought it would come out as nice as it did, but you can see the whole process on the link above.
In any event, I decided on a compass rose with an alternating wood pattern, and I had some leftover teak from the top deck and a chunk of ash from the firewood pile. The ash is significant because it was a beautiful tree next to our house and my wife and daughter's favorite tree. Unfortunately, it came down during one of the snowstorms this winter and I had to cut it up. I saved a few pieces and cut them up on the bandsaw for use later on. The ash will live on.
So with the help of the youtube videos I did some basic math and cut out a bunch of 22.5 degree wedges with a little jig I made for the bandsaw and glued them all up. The result was surprisingly good, so I took then next step and traced the pattern on a piece of sapele and chiseled out the relief before dropping the glued up compass rose.
I sanded it all down and then embedded it along with a bunch of mahogany strips that I had left over on the underside of the hatch with epoxy. After a good sanding, I applied the first of several coats of varnish. Next, once the ground hardens up and I can get on the boat again, I'll get the hardware mounted and adjusted and then it's just a matter of more varnish and I'll be done.